Praise and Glory Report

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120 Holy Ghost and Fire Prayer Assembly

Salvation and Healing Meeting - Gjuranwala, Pakistan

May 18th, 2024

This meeting was fantastic, the Lord was there and moved greatly, there were many Salvations and Jesus the Healer was at work.


ALL Honor and Glory to the King! Praise His Holy Name!

Jesus healed a man who had back pain at this meeting, the gentleman left healed with no pain..

Jesus restored a girls vision, when she came her vision was blurry, she felt the light of her eyes had returned and when she left she could see perfectly!!

Jesus Christ, The same Yesterday, Today and Forever! 

Gospel Crusade, Gjuranwala, Pakistan

June 8, 2024

This meeting was very exciting. To see God move in the way He did was very humbling. There was Hundreds of Salvations and many healings. 


ALL Honor and Glory to the King! Praise His Holy Name!

There was a woman with blood issues, she left healed from this meeting.

A man that could not walk when he came to the meeting, left walking.

A child who could not see well since childhood left seeing.

A woman with skin issues was healed during this meeting.

A man that could not raise his arm left with full use.

There are more testimonies, as they are reported and verified, we will post.

Praise the Healer, Jesus Christ!!


Jesus the Healer!

We were helping at a 517 Ministries Hope in Action event in Winchester on May 11th, 2024. This gentleman was there and had not been out of his wheelchair in three years, on this day he used his faith to receive the grace of Jesus Christ.

Miracles, Signs and Wonders.....  God is Moving... God is good...  God is Glorified!